Felsen klettern: Bonacoa
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Cala Gonone, Monte Bonacoa [it]Cala Gonone, Monte Bonacoa (2) [it]
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- Felsen klettern
- Sport climbing
- Boulder
- Eisklettern
- Speläologie
- Canyoning
- Wandern
- Skifahren
- Schneeschuh
- Mountainbiking
- Via ferrata
- Scuba diving
- Skin diving
- Free flying
World > Europe > Italy > Sardegna > Dorgali: Bonacoa nearest spots
Ruota del Tempo [Felsen klettern] World > Europe > Italy > Sardegna: Domusnovas (84.1 Km / 52.3 Mi)
Vecchiano [Sport climbing] World > Europe > Italy > Toscana: Pisa (227.8 Km / 141.5 Mi)
Vecchiano, Avane [Sport climbing] World > Europe > Italy > Toscana: Pisa (228.3 Km / 141.8 Mi)
Camaiorese [Sport climbing] World > Europe > Italy > Toscana > LU: Camaiore (237.3 Km / 147.4 Mi)
Canyon de Audin [Canyoning] World > Europe > France > ...otros > Vallée de la Roya: Fanghetto (260.2 Km / 161.7 Mi)
Stromboli Volcano [Wandern] World > Europe > Italy > Sicilia > Eolias Islands (341.9 Km / 212.5 Mi)
Scarenna [Sport climbing] World > Europe > Italy > Lombardía > Lecco: Asso (356.7 Km / 221.7 Mi)
Lugano [Via ferrata] World > Europe > Switzerland > Tesino (366.9 Km / 228.0 Mi)
Canyon Lodrino [Canyoning] World > Europe > Switzerland > Tesino: Lodrino (385.3 Km / 239.4 Mi)
Canyo Iragna [Canyoning] World > Europe > Switzerland > Tesino: Iragna (387.4 Km / 240.7 Mi)